昨日我們報導法國欲對 Apple 及 Google 提起訴訟,原因就是因為法國認為這兩家公司皆有打壓開發者的行為,不但向想販售應用程式的開發者徵收費用,甚至還能蒐集開發者們的資訊,並且有權力單方面修改合約內容。然而針對這些指控,Apple 今日也發表了聲明反擊。
Apple 發表聲明強調是因為 Apple 在平台的投資才得以讓開發者獲得成功,並且絕對不會洩漏使用者的資訊:
我們很驕傲能夠和法國數萬名開發者合作,而他們也已在 App Store 賺取了 10 億歐元。大多數有才華的開發者都以 1 至 2 人的人數成立了公司並且成長茁壯,還能夠向 155 個國家的使用者推廣他們的應用程式。這些可能性都是靠著 Apple 在 iOS、開發工具以及 App Store 所做的投資而成功的。
Apple 總是會捍衛使用者的資訊安全,並且不會向第三方應用程式交易使用者的資訊。我們已準備好向法國法院提交完整的資料以澄清這些誤解。同時,我們會繼續幫助法國的開發者實現夢想,以及協助法國學生透過我們的編碼程序學習程式設計。
We are proud to have strong relationships with tens of thousands of developers across France, who have earned 1 billion euros on the App Store. Many of these talented developers founded their companies with one or two people and then saw their teams grow to offer their applications to users in 155 countries. This was only possible thanks to Apple’s investment in iOS, development tools, and the App Store.
Apple has always defended the confidentiality and security of users and does not have access to user transactions with third-party applications. We are fully prepared to share our history in the French courts and to clarify this misunderstanding. In the meantime, we will continue to help French developers realize their dreams and support French students in their learning of the code through our coding program.