兒子狂買 4000 英鎊道具!父親求蘋果退款竟被拒!

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這名7歲男孩名叫Faisall,知道了父親Mohamed Shugaa iPad的密碼後,瘋狂購買道具,一個月花了3911英鎊,父親發現後,向蘋果表示,成年人不會花近4000英鎊玩遊戲,不過蘋果不接受這個解釋,所以拒絕退款。

STIAN_Mohamed Shugaa_IMAGE001 A SEVEN-YEAR-OLD lad racked up a massive £4,000 bill on his dad's iPad playing a dinosaur video game. Mohamed Shugaa didn't realise his son Faisall knew the password for his tablet computer and only found out he had been playing Jurassic World when his bank card was declined. The 32-year-old, who owns the Sussex Carpet Centre in Crawley, West Sussex, said that when he tried to pay his suppliers his bank card was rejected as it was overdrawn. When he checked his account he found that £3,911 had vanished from his account - with 60 separate payments to iTunes from between December 13 to December 18. Faisall unwittingly racked up the bill paying for game upgrades and new dinosaur characters in game currency Dino Bucks - not realising he was spending real money. Mohamed Shugaa & Faisall STIAN ALEXANDER 07528 679198

蘋果官方表示,所有 iOS 裝置,現在內置了父母監控功能,可以讓父母和監護人限制裝置內的購物功能,如在iTunes中進行購物,或軟件內購設定限制等。

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