手指不怕凍了!蘋果新專利讓你戴著手套都可輕易觸控 iPhone!

apple patent glove touch detection 00


天氣轉涼了,雖然香港和臺灣還未至於下雪戴手套的地步,但前往日本、俄羅斯、北歐和加拿大等北緯度國家,冬天戴手套是正常的事,但戴起手套,iPhone 的觸控就變得不暢順,或者大家都看不到不少專為 iPhone 觸控而設的手套,但蘋果最近也取得專利,解決這個問題。

這個蘋果最近獲得的專利名為 Glove Touch Detection 技術,簡單而言就是手套觸控感測技術,雖然專利圖片沒有實際示範效果,但顯示利用這個專利,觸控螢幕會偵測手套的手指部分的位置的按壓得出,在什麼情況之下會被偵測出觸控動作,從而傳導到裝置之中給予反應。這個專利也可讓螢幕識別手套的材料,例如皮手套或冷手套,就算戴上不同的手套也可輕易地操作 iPhone。

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如果真的不明白,其實 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 支援類似的技術(當然不是坐時光機「參考」了),這可以解決在戴手套的時候觸控螢幕的問題。蘋果何時會把這技術引用到 iPhone?恐怕最早都要在 iPhone 7 的時候才有機會了。

Having a touchscreen phone in winter can be a pain especially when you have to constantly take your glove off to use it. But that inconvenience could now be a thing of the past after a company came up with a novel pair gloves that allow you to use your iPhone without taking them off. The Leather Touchscreen Gloves by Dutch firm Mujjo keeps iPhone users' hands warm, while at the same time allows phone users to tap away on the screen. The Ethiopian lambskin gloves use nanotechnology integrated into the leather to make them touchscreen compatible and have been treated for wind and water resistance.  A description on the company's website reads: "Regular leather gloves don’t work with touchscreens; these gloves do! These leather gloves work flawlessly with almost every touchscreen, enabled by revolutionary nanotechnology. "The nanotechnology functions independent from the human skin, this enables us to fully insulate the gloves with a layer of soft 100% wool lining. The leather fully retains its characteristics, affording the wearer maximum comfort and dexterity just like any other glove. "Mujjo’s leather touchscreen gloves do not only provide functionality, but also warmth, durability and a comfortable fit." The gloves come in a variety of sizes and are available online for �105. **MANDATORY CREDIT LONDON MEDIA** 呶ondon Media Press Ltd 11a Printing House Yard London E2 7PR 0207 613 2548 *** Local Caption *** ALL MATERIAL MUST BE CREDITED "LONDON MEDIA". 100% SURCHARGE IF NOT CREDITED

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