【Amazon 限定】Dyson V15/V12/V11 熱門吸塵機 65 折起

dyson v15 inside

今年 Amazon 美國地區再次推出 Dyson 吸塵機優惠,當中很受歡迎的 V11 Plus 更提供高達 65 折的優惠!而頂級的 V15 Detect Complete 及 V12 Detect 也提供 7 折優惠,實在很吸引!留意,這次 Dyson 沒有直送,只能透過集運方式購買,而且沒有海外版沒有保養,但比起行貨便宜不少。

dyson v15 inside
N248P, SV22, BriefID7477345, ITJ001011,
Dyson V15 Detect Complete Cordless Vacuum Cleaner + Dok , Yellow
  • Powerful and intelligent for whole-home deep cleaning. Reveals invisible dust.
Dyson V11 Plus Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, Nickel/Purple, Large
  • Versatile and cordless for whole-home deep cleaning.
  • 60% more power.¹ 60 minutes of run time.²
  • Power trigger helps maximize energy efficiency, only using power where you need it.
  • LCD screen shows power modes, maintenance alerts, and remaining run time to the second. Has 3 cleaning modes for the right power where you need it.
  • Motorbar cleaner head deep cleans all floor types. De-tangles wrapped long hair and pet hair as you clean.
Dyson V12 Detect Slim Origin Cordless Vacuum Cleaner, Yellow/Iron, Large
  • Dyson’s lightest intelligent cordless vacuum. Reveals invisible dust.
  • 30% more power.¹ 60 minutes of run time.²
  • Power button operated for continuous cleaning.
  • 24% lighter than the Dyson V15. Engineered to be ergonomic, effortless, and easy to use. Converts to a handheld vacuum for cleaning cars, stairs, and upholstery.
  • Intelligently adapts power based on debris detected. LCD screen shows total picked-up particles on-screen as you clean.³ Also displays power mode, maintenance alerts, and remaining run time to the second.


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