彼思《元素大都會》 9 月 13 日 Disney+ 上線

Elemental Still
WELCOME TO ELEMENT CITY – Disney and Pixar’s “Elemental” takes fire, water, earth and air and imagines what it would be like if they were alive and living in the same city – a place called Element City. Directed by Peter Sohn (“The Good Dinosaur,” “Party Cloudy” short) and produced by Denise Ream (“The Good Dinosaur,” “Cars 2”), Disney and Pixar’s “Elemental” releases on June 16, 2023. © 2023 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved.

全球話題,全球票房勁收4.8億美元!Disney+ 正式宣佈,兩大主角火爆苗小焰(小焰 Ember)及感性水先生劉滴水(阿水Wade)即將踩入串流平台玩「串」大樂「元」,《元素大都會》將於 9 月 13 日Disney+ 獨家上線!

Elemental Still

除此以外,更多精彩節目亦接續上線!再次令全球大開腦洞之作《元素大都會》製作特輯《Good Chemistry: The Story of Elemental》以及備受全球觀眾喜愛的彼思動畫《德仔日記》(Dug Days)系列《卡叔有約》(Carl’s Date)也同步於 9 月 13 日 Disney+ 獨家上線!喜愛迪士尼與彼思天馬行空系列的朋友萬勿錯過!

勁慳 75% Disney+ 宣佈推出 HK$36 睇足 2 個月優惠

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