【快閃優惠】iPad Air/iPad Smart Keyboard 限時 62 折


Amazon 上的美版 iPad 經常有折扣,今次最特價的就是 iPad/iPad Air 也適用的 Smart Keyboard,提供高達 62 折。不過價格經常改變,合心意就要盡快下決定。雖然 Apple 產品只售美國地區,想購買的朋友可透過集運(簡易港台教學)進行,一般約 7-10 天可送到。


Apple Smart Keyboard: iPad Keyboard and case for iPad Pro 10.5-inch, iPad Air (3rd Generation), and iPad (7th, 8th, and 9th Generation), Comfortable Typing Experience, US English - Black
  • WHY SMART KEYBOARD — Smart Keyboard delivers a comfortable typing experience wherever you are and converts into a slim, durable front cover when you’re on the go. No charging or pairing required. Simply attach it and start typing.
  • COMPATIBILITY — Smart Keyboard works with iPad (7th, 8th, and 9th generation); iPad Air (3rd generation); and iPad Pro 10.5‑inch.
  • KEYBOARD LANGUAGES — Arabic, British English, Chinese (Pinyin), Chinese (Zhuyin), Danish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish (Latin America), Spanish (Spain), Swiss, Ukrainian, US English.
  • TYPE OR WATCH — Thin and light folding design features a comfortable keyboard, and when you’re done, it folds to create a slim, lightweight cover.
  • PROTECTIVE KEYBOARD AND CASE — When you’re done using it, Smart Keyboard folds to create a slim, durable cover that provides front protection.

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