買不買 Dyson 吸塵機?用戶給你的一些意見!

dyson v8 absolute

近日一篇 Dyson 減價文,被一些網友問到為什麼會用那麼多錢買一台無線吸塵機,因此想跟大家分享一下多年的用後感。首先,最有趣的是很多科技網站也不寫家居電器,但每當 Dyson 推出新產品也會報導,而其他家電品牌推出無線吸塵機卻絕少會寫,為什麼?因為 Dyson 是家電界的 Apple,Dyson 的產品是科技產品,就像Tesla 電動車是科技一般。

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iPhone 初推出時,人們覺得很貴(當然現在更貴),不過貴但物有所值。同樣,Dyson 是少數家電產品能夠比一般同類產品貴數倍,卻依然有很多人買,因為物有所值。當然,暫時而言,筆者認為Dyson 只有吸塵機才是物有所值,其他產品就見仁見智。筆者第一件 Dyson 產品是 V6,一部就用了近 3 年。使用體驗一是 100 分,缺點是電量不會太長久,所以想買新版。

1. 令你想吸塵

傳統吸塵機何時才會拿出來用?就是打掃時才會。不過,用了 Dyson 後,即使是吃完花生的桌面或是小孩做完功課後的桌面,我也習慣用 Dyson 快速清理現場。常常拿出來用,就是有用。傳統吸塵機「又要插電線、安裝、拉出來、收回去」。

2. 多種環境也可用

無線的體驗是絕妙,一般吸塵機只會用來吸地面上的塵,而無線吸塵機可以用來吸全屋大多數地方,只要換上不同的吸頭即可針對不同環境使用,細小輕便,不論書台、床邊、櫃頂,全部環境也可清潔,而床墊更是一個吸引的賣點,很多也關心塵蟎、皮屑問題,用 Dyson 的 Turbo Mode 吸出大量「白色粉末」實在太「驚人」。

3. 清潔車廂好幫手

有車的朋友,無線吸塵機是你的救星,我常常用 Dyson 來清潔車廂坐位、地氈,特別是去完郊外或沙灘,你會感受到 Dyson 是你的救星。



水貨只到 Dyson Amazon 買

雖然坊間很多地方可以買水貨 Dyson,但筆者反對大家到這些店購買。原因對方的貨品未必可靠,貨源不能肯定。因此,筆者只推薦大家親自在 Amazon 網購,還必定要去 Amazon Dyson 官方直銷店買,貨源 100% 可信,運送途中出問題更可找他們換貨。

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全年最便宜買 Dyson 的機會

每年 Black Friday 最多人談到必買的東西,Dyson 也是其中之一。今年他們推出 Dyson V10 6 折的大特點,而且全球多個地區也可直送,香港更是免運費,台灣的運費及關稅加起來也不貴,很值得入手。

Dyson V10 的最大特點是可用 60 分鐘,而它有不同的版本,最常見分别為 Absolute、Animal 及 Motorhead。三者分别在於配件不同,而今次最便宜的 Motorhead 版含最基本的配件(覺得不夠可選 Animal 版),集塵盒略較 Absolute 及 Animal 版細容量一點,但機件是相同。

Dyson Cyclone V10 Motorhead Lightweight Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner
  • Upto 60 minutes run time when using a non motorized tool
  • Lightweight and versatile, to clean right through the home; Instant release trigger means battery power is only used while it’s cleaning; Requires charging for 3. 5 hours minimum before first use
  • Direct drive cleaner head: Our most powerful yet; Upto 20 minutes of fade free power (in Suction mode II); Drives stiff nylon bristles into carpets to capture deep down dirt
  • The fully sealed filtration system traps 99.97 percent of particles as small as 0.3 microns expelling cleaner air
  • Powered by the Dyson digital motor V10 and engineered to pick up ground in dirt and fine dust from hard floors and carpets
Dyson V10 Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner: 14 Cyclones, Fade-Free Power, Whole Machine Filtration, Hygienic Bin Emptying, Wall Mounted, Up to 60 Min Runtime, Purple
  • Powerful suction to deep clean everywhere. 55% more suction than the Dyson V7.
  • Dyson technology helps create a cleaner, healthier home - Our vacuums and purifiers are scientifically proven to capture particles as small as and .
  • Engineered for whole-home, deep cleaning. Suction power, run time and tools designed to deep clean your whole home.
  • 3 Cleaning modes. For the right power where you need it.
  • Up to 60 minutes of run time. Actual run time will vary based on power mode and/or attachments used..Torque drive cleaner head. Drives bristles deep into the carpet to remove ground-in ..Advanced whole-machine filtration. Traps 99.99% of particles, and as small as 0.3 microns..4 Dyson engineered tools for versatile whole-home and car cleaning. Including the mini-motorized tool for removing pet hair from upholstery and tight spaces..Converts to a handheld for cleaning cars, stairs and upholstery.14-cyclone concentric array. Cyclones generate centrifugal forces up to 79,000 grams trapping fine and in the bin, so your vacuum never loses suction.

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