【網購優惠】iPad 用戶留意!75 折買 Smart Keyboard!

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今天,Apple 在 Amazon 推出 Smart Keyboard 限時優惠,折扣 25%,即是 75 折。這款 Smart Keyboard 能適應用 iPad 10.2、iPad Air(Gen 3) 及 iPad Pro 10.5。特價貨品數量有限,同時只送美國,因此海外買家宜用集運服務。


Apple Smart Keyboard for 10.5-inch iPad Pro - US English
  • Unfold the full-size smart keyboard when you need it, then fold it to create a durable and lightweight cover when you don't.
  • No need for batteries or pairing.
  • It's just as easy to use as it is to take with you.

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