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The new Microsoft Surface Pro 4 is seen here on display during the Microsoft Corp. Windows 10 Devices event in New York, U.S., on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015. Windows 10 has been installed on more than 110 million devices since it was released on July 29th. Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg *** Local Caption ***

使用電腦的用戶,都知道ctrl + c 及 ctrl + v 的快捷鍵,而現在就有最新的消息,就是微軟將會更新這個功能,並全面的強化,可以讓用戶在一個裝置按下 ctrl + c 複製後,在另一台裝置上按下 ctrl + v 貼上。

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The new Microsoft Surface Pro 4 is seen here on display during the Microsoft Corp. Windows 10 Devices event in New York, U.S., on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015. Windows 10 has been installed on more than 110 million devices since it was released on July 29th. Photographer: John Taggart/Bloomberg *** Local Caption ***

在10月份的RTM更新中,微軟會顯示一個彈窗,推薦用戶下載微軟最新的 SwiftKey Android 鍵盤A,表示獲取應用程式,可以將剪貼板項目同步到您的手機。不過目前並沒有 iOS 版本,因此可以用戶需要時間耐心等待。

microsoft issue windows update to resovle meltdown 01


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