Hooks – Custom Theme Elements

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Dispatch uses a few Hook Elements to create some Custom Elements in the site.
All of them provide dynamic output and should not require any changes to their content.

For more info on the Hooke Element read here:

Hooks Element Overview

Custom Post Navigation

Adding a custom featured image post navigation at the foot of all posts.
Please note: that the Post Navigation is disabled in the Customizer as it is not required.

Secondary Navigation

This hook calls the Secondary Navigation and displays below the header / header element. It also uses Display Rules so it is excluded from All Posts.
Please note: the Secondary Navigation Location in the Customizer is set to No Navigation.

WPSP Open Wrapper & WPSP Close Wrapper

These two hooks create a Div wrap around the Enter Header, Summary and Entry Footer of the WP Show Posts. This is used to create the custom styling you see here.

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