大失所望!串流遊玩應用《Steam Link》遭 Apple 拒絕上架

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《Steam Link》行動裝置版能讓使用者透過行動裝置如手機、平板電腦來串流遊玩 Steam 平台上的遊戲作品,讓許多玩家抱以熱烈期待。然而今日卻傳出了令人失望的消息,就是 iOS 版的《Steam Link》沒有通過 Apple 的審核,理由是「有業務衝突」。


針對此事件,Valve 方面也發表了聲明:

在 5 月 7 日週一,Apple 已經核可了《Steam Link》的推出。於是在週三,5 月 9 日,Valve 也發表了應用程式相關的新聞稿。但是在隔天上午,Apple 以審核指南中的業務衝突為由,稱原審核小組沒有注意到這個問題,最後撤銷了核可的決定。Valve 也提出申訴,表示《Steam Link》的功能只是以區域網路遙控桌上型電腦,和許多已在 App Store 上架的應用程式無異。最後,申訴遭到駁回,《Steam Link》也無法在 iOS 平台推出。製作團隊花費了許多心力在這項計畫上並力求精進,所以我們非常失望。希望 Apple 有朝一日能夠重新考慮上架事宜。

On Monday, May 7th, Apple approved the Steam Link app for release. On Weds, May 9th, Valve released news of the app. The following morning, Apple revoked its approval citing business conflicts with app guidelines that had allegedly not been realized by the original review team. Valve appealed, explaining the Steam Link app simply functions as a LAN-based remote desktop similar to numerous remote desktop applications already available on the App Store. Ultimately, that appeal was denied leaving the Steam Link app for iOS blocked from release. The team here spent many hours on this project and the approval process, so we’re clearly disappointed. But we hope Apple will reconsider in the future.

也就是說短時間內我們恐怕很難看到《Steam Link》在 iOS 平台推出,而目前該應用程式則是已經在 Android 平台以測試版的形式推出。


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