里程碑達成 Apple 宣布旗下全球設施已採用 100% 可再生能源

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今日 Apple 發表了一重大消息,但並不是有關新產品的誕生,而是他們先前所承諾過的使用 100% 可再生能源來供電的理想已經正式達成。Apple 表示目前他們在多達 43 個國家中的零售商店、辦公室以及資訊中心等皆採用 100% 可再生能源供電,更還有另外 9 家製造商夥伴承諾會採用 100% 可再生能源,使做出此承諾的供應廠商總數達到 23 家。

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Tim Cook 也在最新的新聞稿中表示:


“We’re committed to leaving the world better than we found it. After years of hard work we’re proud to have reached this significant milestone,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “We’re going to keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible with the materials in our products, the way we recycle them, our facilities and our work with suppliers to establish new creative and forward-looking sources of renewable energy because we know the future depends on it.”


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