抨擊陰謀論 Apple:不會降低使用品質促使人們購買新機

Apple Statement 1

有關 Apple 將舊 iPhone 降速迫使人們購買新機的「傳言」並不是什麼新聞,而在最近的電池事件之後,更助長了這種陰謀論的說法,甚至就連美國政府也向該公司詢問此事。對此 Apple 於昨日晚間做出聲明稿表示:「我們絕對不會作出任何會刻意縮減 Apple 產品壽命的事情。」

Tim Cook

在昨日稍晚,外媒 Axios 發表了一則新聞,表示 Apple 已向他們確認美國政府已介入關心 iPhone 的電池問題,然而在他們還在準備回應政府的同時,也在 Axios 發表了以下聲明:

大約一年前,我們推出了增進效能管理的更新,讓配備舊型電池的特定 iPhone 型號可以在高工作量時避免無預警關機。我們明白 iPhone 已經成為客戶生活中不可缺少的重要物品,而我們此舉的意圖是希望能夠增進客戶的使用體驗。
為了加強客戶的使用體驗,我們在去年 12 月時宣布調降特定 iPhone 的電池更換費用。同時我們亦宣布正在開發新的 iOS 功能,能讓使用者看見電池健康度並且會適時建議使用者更換電池。這些都是為了要盡可能幫助我們的客戶以及延長客戶手中的 iPhone 壽命。此外,未來用戶也可以知道效能管理功能是否有啟用,若他們選擇關閉該功能也可以。這些功能都會在下個月的開發者更新中推出,而使用者版本則預定在今年春季推出。
就如同我們在 12 月告知消費者的一樣,我們不曾——也絕對不會——做出任何會縮短 Apple 產品壽命的事情,或是降低使用者的體驗來促使人們購買新產品。我們一直以來的目標都是打造出客戶喜愛的產品。而做出能夠長久使用的 iPhone 更是當中的核心部分。

About a year ago, we delivered a software update that improves power management during peak workloads to avoid unexpected shutdowns on certain iPhones with older batteries. We know that iPhones have become an important part of the daily lives of our customers and our intention was to improve the customer experience.

We sought to further improve the customer experience in December by announcing a significant discount on replacement batteries for certain iPhones. We also announced that we began developing a new iOS feature to show battery health and which would recommend when the user should consider replacing their battery. These actions were taken to further assist our customers and help extend the life of their iPhones. In addition, users will be able to see if the power management feature is being used to prevent unexpected shutdowns, and turn if off if they so choose. These features will be included in a developer release next month and a user release this Spring.

As we told our customers in December, we have never — and would never — do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product, or degrade the user experience to drive customer upgrades. Our goal has always been to create products that our customers love. Making iPhones last as long as possible is an important part of that.

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