味覺與視覺的盛宴!享受 50 米高空餐廳

dinner in the sky brussels 2012
From June 4 to July 1, Brussels is offering a sky high culinary experience with Dinner in the Sky, a unique opportunity to discover Belgian gastronomy in an unusual way.

外國公司 Dinner in the sky 推出 50 米高空餐廳的概服務,每次最多可以帶領 22 名顧客「飛躍」於高空享受美景以及美食,Dinner in the Sky 表示該服務已經越來越出名,已經並不限於品嚐美食,不少公司更會使用該服務舉行產品發布、社交活動等等,實際上 Dinner in the sky 的定價亦不是太過貴,換算大約 HK$1,100 / NT$4,400,與大多數酒店的自助餐相約。

dinner in the sky brussels 2012
From June 4 to July 1, Brussels is offering a sky high culinary experience with Dinner in the Sky, a unique opportunity to discover Belgian gastronomy in an unusual way.

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