回收大量電腦、手機、相機金屬:變成 2020 東京奧運獎牌

FILE – In this Aug. 11, 2012 file photo, Brazil’s Fernanda Rodrigues, left, and Jaqueline Carvalho, pose with their gold medals for women’s volleyball at the 2012 Summer Olympics, in London. Brazil may be on track for a record performance at the home Olympics in 2016. The Brazilian Olympic Committee is aiming for a record number of medals after the country significantly increased investments to train its athletes ahead of the games. The goal is to nearly double the 17 medals earned at the 2012 London Games and put Brazil in the top 10 in the overall number of medals, which officials say would be an outstanding feat for the hosts of the first Olympics in South America. (AP Photo/Chris O’Meara, File)

2020 年奧林匹克運動會預定將由日本東京舉辦,而每次舉辦運動會,除了需要場地的支援之外還需要製造大量的獎牌,為了能夠節約成本以及循環再用可用的資料,奧委會宣布將回收用戶的電腦、手機以及相機,隨後將會從中抽取可製作獎牌的成分。


根據外媒 The Japan Times 消息顯示,其實在里約奧運會有不少金牌已經使用回收金屬製成,但奧委會有意在 2020 年的東京奧運會進一步使用更多的回收金屬物料,據了解這次收集的活動希望能夠收集到數百萬部的手機。

matthew 2017 02 03 PM1.40.07


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