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A man holds plastic bags containing boxed Apple Inc. iPhones 6 and 6 Plus and Hong Kong dollar bills as he tries to resell the devices outside the company’s Central district store in Hong Kong, China, on Friday, Sept. 26, 2014. Photographer: Jerome Favre/Bloomberg


A man holds plastic bags containing boxed Apple Inc. iPhones 6 and 6 Plus and Hong Kong dollar bills as he tries to resell the devices outside the company's Central district store in Hong Kong, China, on Friday, Sept. 26, 2014. Photographer: Jerome Favre/Bloomberg

蘋果最新註冊的專利是一個紙袋,蘋果表示這個袋子最少 60% 的紙袋材料由可回收材料製成,其他細節上,手提位置是由 8 針圓形針織的紙纖維製成。蘋果表示,這個設計除了可以有效保護蘋果產品,減少因袋子意外裂開令產品發生墜地的危險之外,這個紙袋亦相當強調環保,可以有效減少生產、使用和處置時對環境的傷害。而早在本年 4 月時,Apple Store 就已經停止使用塑膠購物袋改成了紙質購物袋。

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