間接導致死亡?USMC 司令:手機會洩露士兵位置!

USMC 100422 M 0474R 022
CAMP LEATHERNECK, Helmand province, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan – Cpl. Taylor Mejia, an intelligence analyst deployed to Afghanistan with the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward), practices speed and tactical reloads while training to become an augment for a female engagement team. Mejia will intereact with local women to help bridge the gap between America’s military and the female populous of Afghanistan.

智能手機的功能越來越全面,更可以應用在軍事上,不過有人認為手機是雙刃劍,幫助士兵的同時,亦會置士兵在危險中,美國海軍陸戰隊司令Robert B. Neller表示,智能手機會洩露士兵所處的位置,士兵越變越弱。


Robert B. Neller表示智能手機會洩露士兵所處的位置,敵軍可以根據手機追蹤到士兵的位置遠徵部隊(MEF)進行測試後,發現了這個潛在的危險。同時,他認為高科技帶來的舒適生活,會讓軍隊士兵越變越弱。



CAMP LEATHERNECK, Helmand province, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan - Cpl. Taylor Mejia, an intelligence analyst deployed to Afghanistan with the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward), practices speed and tactical reloads while training to become an augment for a female engagement team. Mejia will intereact with local women to help bridge the gap between America's military and the female populous of Afghanistan.

智能手機現在正如一台流動電腦,早前 Android 手機系統被發現存在保安問題,可以被黑客全權使用裝置,被一些國家及地區列作危險裝置,面對這個困境,

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