偷車賊涉偷車被捕!破案關鍵竟是 Facebook 的這個功能!?

mugger arrested because of people you may know 00


Facebook 作為社交網站一向鼓勵用戶結交「朋友」,於是一直提供了「你可能認識」的欄目,推薦一些共同朋友給你「認識」,但在英國,這個功能卻誤打誤撞成為破案的關鍵。

從 BBC 報道一名有長期偷竊、打劫紀錄的 21 歲青年 Omar Famuyide 被捕,原因是他被懷疑偷車,為何被捕?原因是受害者不見了一架車,而他竟然發現 Omar Famuyide 無端端出現在朋友建議清單之中,受害者竟然懷疑他是偷車賊,於是報警將他拘捕。

Omar Famuyide. An armed thug was caught following a two month violent crime spree when he was recognised by one of his victims after co-incidentally popping up in the 髹eople you may know" section of his Facebook feed. See NTI story NTIROBBERY. Omar Famuyide was one of two men who burst into the Ambassador疄 Relaxation Suite on 13 July last year and assaulted women inside, threatening them with a metal bar and a handgun. The pair then fled the venue in the city centre empty handed while firing a shot inside building. Fortunately nobody was seriously hurt. A month later, on 11 August, the 21-year-old walked up to a man in Highgate, held a gun to his head and demanded the keys to his BMW. He then stole the car. It was found two days later parked up in Edgbaston, along with a firearm which was examined and found to be the gun that fired a bullet at the relaxation suite a month earlier. Also found were keys to a Seat Leon, which was stolen by a man with a knife in Highgate on the same night that the BMW taken. By this point detectives had gathered enough evidence to connect the events, suspecting the same person was responsible for all three. And when the victim of the Seat Leon robbery contacted officers in August to say he recognised the offender on Facebook, Famuyide was quickly arrested. At Birmingham Crown Court today (23 May) he was jailed for 17 years.
偷車賊 Omar Famuyide

拘捕了 Famuyide 之後,警方卻發現他有多次偷竊的紀錄並留有大量案底,於是起訴他行劫、持械行劫以及非法藏械等罪名,最終被告被判入獄 17 年。負責調查的人員亦感嘆,Facebook 的功能成為破案的關鍵,偵查途徑很多,他們最終還是以古老的辨認臉部方式認出這名積犯,並將疑犯繩之於法。


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