應用程式的延遲?英國夫婦與 5100 萬美元大獎擦身而過!

lottery 3539228b
Edwina and David Nylan from Fleetwood, Lancs., See Ross Parry Copy RPYLOTTO : A couple have missed out on a #35 million lottery win – because of a GLITCH on the Lotto mobile app. Furious Edwina and David Nylan, 60, chose all six winning Lottery numbers but Camelot claims the online ticket purchase failed to go through. The pair say the mobile app shows they bought a ticket for the draw on December 23, and are “gutted” to not be seeing in the New Year as millionaires. 1 January 2016.

相信不少人都有用手機 App 買彩票的習慣,不過如果你知道 App 可能會令你失去中獎資格後,你還會用嗎?據美國《赫芬頓郵報》報導,在 2015 年聖誕節前夕,一對英國夫婦(David 和妻子 Edwina)就因為手機 App 延遲的原因白白和 5100 萬美元(約 4 億港元)擦身而過!

Edwina and David Nylan from Fleetwood, Lancs., See Ross Parry Copy RPYLOTTO : A couple have missed out on a #35 million lottery win - because of a GLITCH on the Lotto mobile app. Furious Edwina and David Nylan, 60, chose all six winning Lottery numbers but Camelot claims the online ticket purchase failed to go through. The pair say the mobile app shows they bought a ticket for the draw on December 23, and are "gutted" to not be seeing in the New Year as millionaires. 1 January 2016.

David 和 Edwina 一直都有用手機 App 購買彩票的習慣,當地時間 12 月 23 日它們一日以往地購買才用,當時因為賬戶餘額不足,他們還轉入了更多金額購買,其後他們成功購買了一張 6 位的隨機電腦票,而 App 亦顯示購買成功!事後該對夫婦知道中獎後聯絡彩票公司,卻被告知無法兌獎!

Edwina Nylan who would have won the £35m jackpot on the lottery. Seen here showing the winning numbers for the draw. See Ross Parry copy RPYLOTTO: A couple from Fleetwood say they chose all six winning Lottery numbers ñ but missed out on a £35m jackpot after their online ticket purchase failed to go through. Now Edwina and David Nylan are battling with Lottery company Camelot to prove they should have won the huge prize. Camelot confirmed the couple, of Kingfisher Way in the port, did make multiple attempts to buy a ticket


據當地確認,雖然 David 夫婦的確在當晚 7 點 30 有注入金額的紀錄,不過卻顯示 App 最終完成處理時間已經是 12 點,即是過了中獎結果宣佈時!最後判 David 夫婦無權拿這筆獎金!

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