R.I.P 蘋果教父:TimCook 向全體員工發郵件致敬 Steve Jobs!

jobs apple phone 2019377b

1976 年 Apple 公司正式成立,2007 年 Apple 教父 Steve Jobs 給世界帶來一個手機新世代,在那天以後不少人留意到他多年的努力以及有莫大的天賦。而經過這麼多年 Apple 公司已經成為了世界第一強的科技公司,但有多少人還記得四年前的今天我們失去了這個傳奇的人物——Steve Jobs。jobs-apple-phone_2019377b不久前現任 CEO TimCook 向全體 Apple 員工發出一則郵件以紀念 Steve Jobs 的事蹟,更談起 Steve Jobs 逝世的那一年,Steve Jobs 跟他表示不希望這麼快離開這個世界,可惜就在那年 Steve Jobs 離開了我們!筆者評論 Steve Jobs 的影響力到底有多大,是否沒有他就沒有今天的 Apple,但我只知道的是 Steve Jobs 帶給我們對科技有不同的看法,徹底地改變了科技這個行業!

R.I.P Steve Jobs930202_Reaction-to_3463660b

Tim Cook’s email to Apple staff in full :


Today marks four years since Steve passed away. On that day, the world lost a visionary. We at Apple lost a leader, a mentor, and many of us lost a dear friend. 

Steve was a brilliant person, and his priorities were very simple. He loved his family above all, he loved Apple, and he loved the people with whom he worked so closely and achieved so much. 

Each year since his passing, I have reminded everyone in the Apple community that we share the privilege and responsibility of continuing the work Steve loved so much. 

What is his legacy? I see it all around us: An incredible team that embodies his spirit of innovation and creativity. The greatest products on earth, beloved by customers and empowering hundreds of millions of people around the world. Soaring achievements in technology and architecture. Experiences of surprise and delight. A company that only he could have built. A company with an intense determination to change the world for the better. 

And, of course, the joy he brought his loved ones. 

He told me several times in his final years that he hoped to live long enough to see some of the milestones in his children’s lives. I was in his office over the summer with Laurene and their youngest daughter. Messages and drawings from his kids to their father are still there on Steve’s whiteboard. 

If you never knew Steve, you probably work with someone who did or who was here when he led Apple. Please stop one of us today and ask what he was really like. Several of us have posted our personal remembrances on AppleWeb, and I encourage you to read them. 

Thank you for honoring Steve by continuing the work he started, and for remembering both who he was and what he stood for. 


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