GTA V PC 版重點不在 4K!貼圖特效同樣遠超 PS4!

GTA 5 PC 4

早前本站為各位報導過,即將推出的遊戲大作 GTA V PC 版本的 4K 解像度實際運行圖片,畫質極高,讓不少人大讚,不過原來 GTA V PC 版本的重點並不是只有 4K 解像度,要體驗超美畫質,即使使用 720P 解像度亦可以感受得到,現在就有 GTA V PC 版本的圖像特效設定公開。


Anti-aliasing: FXAA, MSAA and Nvidia TXAA supported.
Pause game on focus loss.
Scaling bars for population density, population variety and distance scaling.
Texture quality: normal to very high.
Shader quality: normal to very high.
Shadow quality: normal to very high.
Reflection quality: normal to very high.
Reflection MSAA
Water quality: normal to very high.
Particles quality: normal to very high.
Grass quality: normal to very high.
Soft shadows options: softer, softest, AMD CHS, Nvidia PCSS
Post FX options: up to ultra.
Motion blur strength: scaling bar.
In-game depth of field effects: on/off.
Anisotropic filtering: up to x16 .
Ambient occlusion options.
Tesellation options.
Advanced graphics
Long shadows: on/off.
High resolution shadows: on/off.
High detail streaming while flying: on/off.
Extended distance scaling bar.
Extended shadow distance bar.
Benchmark testing.

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