蘋果前員工:Jony Ive 對iOS 7的影響不只在於表面!

Jony Ive

自從iOS 主管 Scott Forstall 離開蘋果後,iOS 的使用者介面設計,就交由被外界稱為天才設計師 Jony Ive 接手設計,外界希望使用了6年的iOS 介面可以被重新設計,期望著現在 Jony Ive 同時設計軟硬體上,會有怎樣的改變。

蘋果的前員工,現職於微軟Windows 開發部的Ben Thompson ,日前就引用了Jony 的一段說話,來說明Jony 對於一件產品的整體美學觀念,影響蘋果的不只在於表面。Ben Thompson 表示:Jony 對於美學的理解不僅僅是停留在表面上,他知道應該如何為消費者帶來更全面的美學體驗。

But there are a lot of product attributes that don’t have those sorts of measures. Product attributes that are more emotive and less tangible. But they’re really important. There’s a lot of stuff that’s really important that you can’t distill down to a number.

And I think one of the things with design is that when you look at an object you make many many decisions about it, not consciously, and I think one of the jobs of a designer is that you’re very sensitive to trying to understand what goes on between seeing something and filling out your perception of it. You know we all can look at the same object, but we will all perceive it in a very unique way. It means something different to each of us. Part of the job of a designer is to try to understand what happens between physically seeing something and interpreting it.


Jony Ive


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