英國法官說:「三星沒有侵權!三星產品不夠 Apple 酷!」


Apple 在英國輸了專利案給 Samsung!不過,這次 Samsung 只能低調,原因是英國法官竟然說 Galaxy Tab 沒有侵權,因為 Galaxy Tab 沒有跟 Apple 一般有著超簡約的設計,三星產品不夠 Apple 酷!用戶是不會分不清 iPad 跟 Galaxy Tab 的!

對 Samsung 來說,這值得高興嗎?

法官原文: “The Galaxy tablet doesn’t infringe Apple’s registered design, Judge Colin Birss said in a ruling today in London. He said that consumers weren’t likely to get the two tablet computers mixed up. The Galaxy tablets “do not have the same understated and extreme simplicity which is possessed by the Apple design,” Birss said. “They are not as cool.”


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