蘋果澄清谷歌沒有提交Google Now 到App Store!

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Google 執行長早前暗示,Google Now 因為蘋果App Store 審查團隊問題,無法在iOS 平台上架,由於兩公司的關係惡劣,讓外界感覺蘋果針對Google ,似乎希望借群眾壓力,令蘋果屈服。
“You’ll need to discuss that with Apple,” Schmidt said. “Apple has a policy of approving or disapproving apps that are submitted into its store, and some of the apps we make they approve and some of them they don’t.”

傳媒聽到這個消息,當然會希望蘋果就這件事件給予回應,但蘋果已向傳媒證實,Google 根本沒有提交應用程式到蘋果App Store 進行審查。Google 公關部份隨後亦表示,”本公司(Google)還沒有將Google Now提交至Apple “。(Yes, I can confirm for you: We have not submitted Google Now to Apple’s App Store.)

雖然現在已經證明Apple沒有為難Google,但Google 執行長這番言論應該已經讓很多人感到不滿。

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